Bancroft Fitness, is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for all members and staff. We expect that all individuals who enter our facility or engage on our social media be respectful in their language, manner and tone in all interactions. We have a zero tolerance policy for bullying, discrimination, intimidation or violence, or any behaviour that creates and unsafe or hostile environment. Members who fail to live up to these expectations in our facility will be subject to disciplinary action, which could result in being permanently banned from Bancroft Fitness and it’s social media.
Bancroft Fitness reserves the right, as per the terms of your membership agreement to cancel or suspend your membership, without a refund, if you violate any of the following behaviours.
- Failure to follow our rules and regulations, or any breach of the terms in your membership agreement.
- Causing a nuisance or disturbance.
- Vaping or smoking in the gym.
- Committing any illegal or immoral acts.
- Taking action that may put yourself or others in danger.
All Bancroft Fitness staff are certified in First Aid and CPR. We have a first aid kit and AED on site.
General Rules:
- Food, gum, beverages and glass items are prohibited.
- Proper closed-toe athletic footwear required (No sandals or floor marking shoes).
- Return and wipe down all equipment after use.
- To prevent loss, damage or personal injury, do not wear jewelry during workouts.
- The organization is not responsible for lose or stolen articles.
- Lock all valuables in assigned lockers, daily lockers are available.
- Report all losses or injuries to gym employees.
- Anyone found defacing or damaging the gym or equipment is subject to disciplinary action and will be held financially responsible.
- If the gym is in need of custodial services, please advise the staff.
- Members are not permitted to use the gym facilities while they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Always be courteous and respectful to other members.
- Members are only permitted to listen to their own music through personal headphones, no personal speakers are allowed.
Safety is a priority in our gym. Everyone therefore has the right to be, and to feel, safe. Harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in any
form, by any person, at any time at Bancroft Fitness. Staff, members, trainers, instructors, visitors and contractors are all expected to be respectful to each other, at all times. There are no circumstances where it is okay to intimidate or harass another person.
• Aggressive pressure or intimidation.
• Unwelcome attention based on a personal characteristic.
• Conduct which threatens, intimidates, alarms or puts a person at fear for their safety.
• Physical violence, or direct or inferred sexual threat.
• Threatening, offensive, unwelcome, abusive verbal language or behavior.
Direct – to you as an individual from an individual or group.
Indirect – witnessed toward someone else, or a group you are not related or linked to. Harassment doesn’t have to be about you to affect you.
There are many forms of Harassment, some examples of this are:
• Negative, unwelcome, aggressive or detrimental comments about race, heritage or ethnicity.
• Lack of respect for a persons personal space or boundaries.
• Comments, jokes or suggestive statements about someone’s sexual orientation, gender or identity.
• Derogatory comments or actions regarding a person’s ability or disability – physical or mental.
• Exclusive or negative comments, suggestions or behaviors towards a person because of their age.
• Unkind, negative comments that will offend or embarrass someone because of their size or fitness levels.
The extent of harassment is not limited to the above examples and each case will be fully investigated on its own basis.
There are many forms of Sexual Harassment, some examples of this are:
• Unwelcome physical contact – patting, pinching, stroking, kissing, hugging, fondling or inappropriate touching.
• Physical violence, including sexual assault.
• Sexual comments jokes or stories that offend or humiliate a person or group.
• Unwanted comments on a person’s looks, dress, sexuality, age or gender in a derogatory or objectifying way.
• Repeated unwanted flirting or flirting at an inappropriate time which could be deemed to undermine or damage a person’s reputation.
• Lewd behavior such as leering, whistling or gesturing.
The extent of sexual harassment is not limited to the above examples only and each case will be fully investigated.
Harassment may take on many forms, but examples of this in a gym environment are:
• Uninvited correction of another gym user’s form or technique when training.
• Taking unsolicited photographs of another person.
• Excessive watching or staring at another person – directly or via mirrors.
• Continuously exercising next to or near to another person or following them.
• Sending or sharing of unwelcome personal images to any other person.
• Unwanted flirtation or sexual advances.
• Commenting on other people’s body, looks or clothing.
If any member, staff, or visitor in our Gym feel they have been harassed they should speak to a member of the gym management team or email fitnessbancroft@gmail.com. Every person and every case will be reviewed in detail then dealt with sensitively and confidentially. Perpetrators will be warned and/or banned from our gym.
We ask that you do not attend the gym if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms OR if you are feeling unwell.
- Respect other gym members personal space.
- Clean and disinfect all equipment between each use.
- Do not share personal items (e.g. water bottle, clothes, equipment).
- No food on site.
- Clean your hands with soap and water or 70-90% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.